March 2025

Friday - Saturday, March 7-8th
Supporting the Biennial Penn State Forest Landowners Conference

Hosted by the James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State and partners, the Forest Landowners Conference provides invaluable resources for individuals who own, manage, or appreciate forests. Whether you’re a forest landowner, an aspiring woodland steward, or a passionate advocate, this event offers the knowledge and tools to deepen your connection to the land. Engage with presentations, exhibits, field tours, workshops, and discussions to enhance your woodland stewardship. Lunch is included for all attendees on March 7. Additional half-day workshops and field tours on March 8 provide opportunities for more in-depth learning on specific topics.

May 2025

DCWOA Service Day – Saturday, May 10th

Time & location TBD

June 2025

Saturday, June 7th – time TBD
DCWOA Annual Woods Walk 

Located at Dave and Cathy Laudermilch’s property in Carsonville at 3748 Powells Valley Road, Halifax. Dave and Cathy have been in the Forest Stewardship Program for over 10 years and administered several forestry/wildlife activities through the years. We will highlight and discuss those different projects during our hike. Fellowship with snacks and refreshments will take place following the walk.

RSVPs are requested by emailing Dave and Cathy at [email protected].

October 2025

Sunday, October 5 - 1:00PM
9th Annual Statewide "Walk in Penn's Woods"

DCWOA & Manada Conservancy cosponsor this walk organized by The Pennsylvania Forestry Association. 1:00 PM, location and additional information will follow.

Thursday, October 9th - 6:00 pm.

DCWOA 22nd Annual Membership Meeting (election of officers & board, state of the organization, program) Social starting at 6:00 PM. Meeting at 7:00 PM. Dauphin County Conservation and Natural Resources building, Dauphin, PA – Program Presentation and Guest Speaker to be announced.


*Specific details that are required for some events will be communicated, as necessary. Please forward your e-mail address to DCWOA Treasurer Sam Dengel, [email protected] if you have not already done so. USPS will be used when required.